Deutsche Rentenversicherung

Working in Germany and Japan

Stand 01.11.2018 Auflage 4 Kostenlos

Diese Broschüre informiert Sie über das Sozialversicherungsabkommen und seine Auswirkungen.

You have already been working in Japan for some time or are planning to emigrate there? You are Japanese and are currently working in Germany?

Maybe you are wondering how working in different countries can affect your future pension entitlements. After all, Japan and Germany have quite different social security systems.

That is certainly true but you do not have to worry. On 20th April 1998, Germany and Japan signed an agreement (that came into force on 1st February 2000) to prevent you from experiencing possible disadvantages.

In this brochure you will learn what the German-Japanese social security agreement is, what impact it has on German law, and the entitlements you have in Japan.

If you still have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime. This brochure has been prepared with great care. Nevertheless, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of the information about foreign law. For binding legal advice please consult your responsible local office.


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