Deutsche Rentenversicherung

A lifetime for you - certainly!

Welcome to the internet offer of Deutsche Rentenversicherung in foreign languages.

Eltern gehen mit ihrer erwachsenen Tochter und Schwiegersohn spazieren


  • Welcome to the internet offer of Deutsche Rentenversicherung in foreign languages. The following pages give you the most important information on pension and rehabilitation.
  • As prescribed by European Community Law, Deutsche Rentenversicherung is responsible for the coordination of activities with the pension insurance institutes of the Member States of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Deutsche Rentenversicherung also coordinates regulations agreed with pension insurance institutes in those States with which the Federal Republic of Germany has signed a Social Security Agreement (Contracting States).
  • Detailed information on international regulations and the effects these have on German law can be found in the International section. More information on pensions and rehabilitation can be found in the Benefits section.



Service telephone
Monday to Thursday from 8.00 a.m. till 7.00 p.m. and on Fridays to 3.30 p.m.

0800 1000 4800

You wish to call us from abroad?
Also from Spain and Greece (only from the fixed network) you can contact our free of charge service telephone under the number

00800 1000 4800 (in the German language)

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